
Costa Rica open the Miravalles solar park

Costa Rican Electrical Institute (ICE) open in the country on Thursday, the first solar park, the park is located in the northwestern province of Guanacaste.

Miravalles solar park is the first in Central America with large-scale solar cell installations and a capacity of 1 MW park, it will be able to provide electricity 800.

Miravalles solar park is located at the foot of the volcano, an area of 2.7 hectares, and by 4300 solar photovoltaic panels, used to capture solar radiation, each panel can generate 235 watts of energy. As the Japanese government donated $ 900 million, the building is completed it is possible.

Yoshiharu Namiki, Laura Chinchilla, President of the Japanese Ambassador, René Castro, Minister of the Environment and Teófilo de la Torre President attended the opening ceremony.

The Miravalles solar park located has become a renewable energy corridor, where the main geothermal energy, wind energy and hydropower.
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