
Beijing's first energy-saving lighting are all floor Quest solar heating

65% of the standard can ...... with the latest scientific and technological content of many of Beijing's first ultra-low power armed Environmental Building on the 16th ushered in the first batch of journalists, people personal experience the magic of energy saving.

    Energy-saving building in Beijing east unprepossessing, yellow six-story buildings with the surrounding buildings no difference, can not see into the small building extravagant décor and floor, built-in but everywhere "mystery." Beijing Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Center administrative logistics department, said Rui mountains, this small building built twenty years ago, after a comprehensive renovation, with ten energy saving highlights a number of leading international technology.

    Top floor seems to wear a chic "warm clothes." Rui Shan said, which is the use of the world's advanced level, "cool roof" technology, an anti-infrared specialty coatings can prevent over 80% of home solar panels radiation energy, so that the roof surface temperature does not exceed body temperature, energy-saving effect is achieved percentile the eighty-five.

    Entire floor heating, lighting, water, water all solar technologies. Top installed solar hot water circulation system uses the world's most advanced plate solar collectors, regardless of the cold winter, rainy summer in time for the office can provide hot water. The solar water system can be directly connected with the building's water boilers, the water heated to eighty five degrees Celsius, and then from electric heating to boil, you can power a year alone more than fourteen thousand degrees.

    The most attractive is building sunlight almost everywhere, roof solar grid tie inverter installation directly to the natural light "sucked" into the interior, through the pipeline reflectors, natural light cup in round lights emit bright light, such fiber optic lighting technology, truly zero-energy lighting.

Energy conservation, ecology, humanized design details can be seen everywhere in the building: the building of all windows, glass, curtains are insulated, indoor air hourly automatic replacement, elevator can automatically adjust the power, sound and light control intelligent lighting free urinal flush water-saving one hundred and fifty thousand liters per year, rainwater efficiently automatic recovery. Energy-saving design that peer originality of reporters amazing.

