
The green solar heating thermostat to the most intimate

BEIJING, Jan. 7 (energy channels Song Yafen) since the winter of 2012, China's more frequently a wide range of cold weather intrusive and more minimum temperature exceeded history, China was hit by the coldest winter in 28 years. Heating to keep warm in the cold weather, how to become the greatest concern of everyone, no heating in southern China, and around the south central heating is also controversy than. In fact, to deal with the cold weather, not necessarily rely on central heating, there are many or energy conservation, or economic, or intimate method of heating.

The oldest: burning direct heating

Depths of field plight of people in the TV drama, igniting a pile of firewood for heating frequently used is, which is probably the oldest method of heating. Until now, rural areas in the north, there are still families rely on burning firewood to keep warm.

Later, with the discovery of coal, coal stove heating became the Chinese is the most common method of heating. But whether it is the wood or coal-fired, need to reserve a lot of resources, direct combustion also pollute neither convenient nor environmentally friendly, there are security risks.

The most common way: central heating

Currently, the most common method of heating in China's northern undoubtedly the central heating, central heating in a certain sense a greater change in the heating mode, the original single family solar cell heating mode to break, central heating boilers, household pipe heating system installed heating. This method of heating to achieve greater resource utilization, conservation of resources, but because the heat can not be adjusted according to their needs, and had to pass to live and not live to some extent also caused a waste of resources.

In the north due to the colder weather, heating time, with this way of heating or save money. In addition, central heating Thermal Group is responsible for security, relatively more sustainable security, it is peace of mind, which is the most widely used a method of heating residential area and office buildings in northern China.

One-time investment of central heating, high operating costs, for winter short duration or for long periods of time living at home who may not be economic. In addition, if the usage can not be guaranteed, but also a direct result of the waste of energy.

The most environmentally friendly way: solar heating

In China, along with the whole community of the importance of energy saving and environmental protection, the use of solar panel energy has been very popular, but has not yet formed the scale of the use of solar energy for heating. At present, China only in Tibetan areas used more often.

In Austria due to lack of energy, the Government has been strongly encouraged citizens to use solar heating. According to figures released by the Austrian government, a family of six square meters of solar cells installed, an annual saving of 400 liters of heating oil, or 343 cubic meters of natural gas, or 2400 kWh.

The most intimate way: thermostat

At present, one is the temperature of the central heating problems faced by self-control. Whether, Heating always a day heating. Different floors can also cause uneven temperature encounter the partial thermal heating, the residents only windows cooling, valuable energy wasted.

In Sweden, winter is long and cold, so heating is related to the quality of life of the Swedes. Swedish heating can be divided into district heating and users from burning two. Most of the residential area and office buildings with district heating, but heating facilities in Sweden, there was an outdoor probe. Indoor temperature is preset at a thermostat, the outdoor temperature rises, heating and central heating is correspondingly solar charge controller reduced; outdoor temperature decreases, the heating heating temperature to a corresponding increase. Even in the summer, if the temperature suddenly dropped to 10 degrees Celsius, Heating immediately appear in the house, which makes the indoor temperature throughout the year in Sweden are basically maintain the temperature of people's housing needs, said to be both energy-efficient and intimate.

The most helpless heating: Basic by shaking

In southern China, because there is no central heating in the coldest winter is particularly tough. To keep warm, the people only to find their own heating method. These heating methods varied, In addition to the conventional air-conditioning, electric heating, natural gas heating, more users more summed Ray helpless "heating" and "basically rely shake" method.

Users share from the inside to keep out the cold canon, such as eating hot food, lamb, beef, so heating probably can only influence the lives of the "health", to really warm, have to rely on heat ah.

